Fishing Report
September 22, 2011
The End of September, The Beginning of Fall
The fishing pretty much stays the same with salmon being the primary target of most anglers. Good numbers of fish are in the local rivers (Betsie, Manistee, Platte and Boardman) thanks to some much needed rain earlier in the week - the forecast rain over the next couple of days should only send more fish up from the big water and shuffle the fish already in the system. Some cohos are showing up in the rivers as well and a few steelhead have snuck up the river wondering why all the other fish are going upstream, providing a little variety. On the Betsie the fish are both on spawning gravel and in the holes with fresh fish moving in the low light hours and overcast days. Good flies this past week have been wooly buggers, hex nymphs, hare's ears and egg sucking leeches.
The rain earlier this week was much needed on the Upper Manistee River for better trout fishing conditions - it was simply too clear. The terrestrial bite continues on the nice weather days and when it's overcast and/or rainy, fish streamers. The brook trout are all colored up, looking good and are fiesty.
Good luck,
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