Fishing Report
July 29, 2010
Still Summer
Not much has changed in the past week as far as fishing conditions. It’s still warm and bright almost everyday and thankfully we have had cool evenings and some rain to keep water temps where they need to be on the Upper Manistee and Boardman Rivers.
The Tricos are the most prolific bug emerging in numbers at this time. Each morning these tiny mayflies have been coming off nicely and the trout have been responding to them. We’re catching mostly smaller fish with some larger fish thrown into the mix making it a great hatch to use that lighter weight rod and start the day. In addition to Tricos, BWOs continue to emerge in decent number on certain days as with sporadic hatches of Isonychias and Light Cahills, typically in the evenings.
The terrestrial bite continues and will for sometime with hoppers becoming larger and fish more familiar with seeing them. Start the day off with small patterns and get larger as success dictates. A mid-sized rubber leg “bug” with a trailer of either a small ant or beetle has been working as with small bead head nymphs like Copper Johns and Pheasant Tails if the dry dropper isn’t working.
The warm water in the Lower Manistee below Tippy Dam continues to be good for Smallmouth Bass fishing with streamers. The water just below the Dam is running too warm to target trout as the mortality rate is too high even with a quick catch and release.
Ponds and lakes continue to be a hot spot for Bass and Bluegill action. The dusk and dawn is a favorite time for the bass fisherman and diving bugs. Once the sun is up and on the water, go to some loud poppers and rubber legs for crash-action in and around lily pads.
Good Luck,
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