Monday, November 1, 2010

Fall and Winter steelhead fishing on the Manistee river is getting going. Fish are keying on egg patterns, but look for that to change in the next couple of weeks. Starting now, it is a great time to swing flies for steelhead with a switch rod, or spey rod and a sink tip. It is also a great time to fish for these chrome beauties with a floating line and indicator as the fish start to move to slower "winter water."

The Northern Angler Fly Shop and Outfitter has you covered for equipment to get you set up to go after these bad boys of fall. We stock Spey rods from Sage, Redington and Scott and Lines from Rio, SA and Airflo. Our staff will be happy to help you chose a rod for spey or float fishing. Switch rods are ideal for both scenarios and offer incredible versatility for the streams of the Great Lakes region.

1 comment:

Blake said...

I'm ready for them!!!